Monday, September 22, 2008

Mane Stream

Sunday's post on Osmium, left me in wide-eyed amateur-scientist excitement, as I followed his link to the Periodic Table of Videos. I haven't had this much science fun since my days with a rock tumbler and the Mad Scientist Experiment Kit (where I only really liked to play with the metal filings that created lots and lots of sparks and the coke bottle volcano).

I hungrily watched several of the elemental videos and, truly, his hair is something impressive throughout them all. Personally, I heart his homage to Einstein in krypton and plutonium best. But what's really exciting is how it grows exponentially in Pu.

Is there perhaps some scientific reasoning here? I mean seriously, if plutonium makes hair grow faster, then I think we could be onto the next hot beauty product.

I've already worked out the product taglines:
"your hair is bomb"
"gives your hair lift(off)"

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