Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fight Club

Not to get all entomological, but this is pretty fascinating. It's like Iron Chef with bugs. Cool.
But you have to notice the little advertisements at the bottom of the screen. When I watched there were three different ads. The first one made perfect sense - an ad for an insecticide. Right on. You are watching bugs and getting grossed out and you immediately start considering fumigating your dwelling. The second appealed to your inner nerd - an ad for National Geographic.
But then I had a record stop moment when the third ad appeared. Girl Fights. Ok, I get that these videos are probably not aimed toward me, but rather a 13 (read 30) year old boy all twisted up in puberty and he gets riled up from either watching bugs or girls duke it out. But still, I could not bring myself to put those two things together, even if my marketing background told me their customer targeting was dead on. All I could think was eww cooties.

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