Last night over drinks with the girls, we got to talking about the people we've DeFriended on Facebook.
Most of us had Removed A's ex from our fb registrar. And A had also cut the worldwide cord to one of her first loves - a zombie phoenix that haunts repeatedly over the years and never disappears, but a swift Facebook Delete and we have found the secret weapon to finally killing them off.
Then there's the Randers that we'd FacedOut when we couldn't be bothered seeing the status change every five minutes (and, of course, all the Randers seem to be repetitive status changers) - we think he may be that kid from middle school, but can't really be sure because let's face it we don't remember their face or their name for that matter and wait, isn't this thing called Facebook, so that's a damn fine place to start when it comes to collecting friends.
(Now we've hit the nail on the head: so many of these people are collecting friends the way we once did Garbage Pail Kids or HotWheels Cars, as many as you can get. It's a status symbol.)
So, when they asked if I'd DeFaced N, and I said I hadn't, they were surprised. It's been four months since we'd stopped seeing each other - incidentally, the same amount of time that we dated. I hadn't really thought of him in the past couple months and short of a few "N and insert unknown name are now friends" and N was tagged in a photo, I hadn't paid too much attention to him amongst the remainder of my real Fakebook friends.
But this morning, I logged on and thought, they were right, I should send him to the fb trash bin. I typed his name in the little search box, but his photo and current status didn't appear. I was rerouted to the results page, where there he sat with a glowing blue Add as Friend label.
What? He UnFriended me? What a jerk! I quickly did a search in my sent messages folder - last week I hosted an event and invited everyone I knew in New York, unfiltered. I had included him on that message. This meant he only removed me as a friend in the last week. Pas cool. Super pas cool!
I mean, here I didn't care otherwise, but to know that he closed the book, admittedly it stung just a little, like a papercut.
I would like to recommend fb consider adding alternate buttons: Frienemies, Foes and Randers.
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